Thursday, January 29, 2009

iF iii were a bOyy. . .

iii think what she"ss tryna say abOut guys are Liekk that dey are cheater"ss && dey always put their selves first; && when she"ss arOund he wOuld gO && drink beer with the guys instead of spending time with her. alsO they Leave tO gO Out instead Of waiting fOr her tO cOme hOme. alsO when they do sOmething wrOng they always say iHt was a miStakee.& they wOuld never dO that tO them again. Shes singinq this sOng so she can be a bOy fOr One day sO she can treat the guys the way they treat us.... iHtz sOrt Of a karma thingq.

iii dO agree with her because she makes a point in this sOng. all the bOys are the same they never chanqe! this sOng is a perfect exampLe Of a guy whO dOnt care abOut his girL. he dOes whatever he wants && dOsent even wOrry abOut the One he suppOsely "LOVEs"


lahana said...

Do you think there are exceptions to the rule? Do all guys lie, cheat, and drink? What would your ideal guy be like?

ps...can you PLEASE write normally :)