Wednesday, October 15, 2008

child farm workerz part 2™

She drops Out Of schOOl because she has tO gO wOrk On the farm tO get mOneyy fOr her famiLy. When she gOes back tO schOOl she falls behind because she always misses her wOrk & gets fustrated.

The MET prOgram helps the chiLdren because they knOw that since they have tO gO wOrk On a farm that they cant keep p with their wOrk sO the MET prOgram helps them dO & learn things like they wOuld in schOOl. Even thOugh the children cant get a diplOma atleast they can get their GED & becOme sumthing Of themselves.


lucCy<3 said...

wowserz boo u rilly do ur work i thot i was going to come here and see every thing blank lolz luv ur blog for rillz =]
keep it^

MrSullivan said...

It's ironic that these young people have to work to make money but end up hurting their chances to "make something of themselves" because they fall so far behind in school. It's great that the MET program is there to help some kids, but if they wouldn't be put in that place to begin with, that would be best, right?