Thursday, October 23, 2008

the day i stolee a mac book™

When i was 4 years old i used to steal stuff. Not big stuff just small little stuff no one didn't
really care about. Until one day i wanted a Mac book so bad! but i couldn't get it my mom said i was to little & that i wouldn't know what to do with it. So one day i went to my cousin school & there was a whole bunch of Mac book laptops in the Cafe. All the Mac books were there i wanted to take one so badly but i was afraid i might get into trouble. But i couldn't resist so i told my cousin i was gonna go outside to get something but i lied i ended up in the cafe no one there, no one looking & i took one!! i stuffed in my book bag so fast i thought my book bag was gonna break [lol] & i ran out the cafe & into the park i wanted to go home already but my cousin was no where to be found! so i ran home to ma uncle's house & from there it was all down hill........ [lol]

=( a stolen laptop =(

One reason why someone would steal a laptop is because their parents won't buy it for them so i guess if they want one so bad they have to go & steal one.

Another reason is maybe someone told them "i dare you to go steal a laptop. & if you don't then you can't be my friend." someone would go steal a laptop because of a dare. & if they really wanted to be that persons friend.

A third reason why someone would steal a laptop is because maybe if they don't have one they get jealous & hear people saying how they have a Mac book. So the kid might wanna be like that person but since they don't have any money to afford it they go & steal it.

One reason why this was wrong is because how about if someone did that to you? You wouldn't like it so why would you do it to someone else?

Another reason is this was wrong is because these Mac books aren't cheap so by you stealing one it only makes it worse for the person who spends their money on it cause it was expensive!

A third reason why this was wrong is because the teacher trusts you with the laptop & for someone to go & steal one makes all opportunities be lost. & that the teacher can't ever trust us again!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

child farm workerz part 2™

She drops Out Of schOOl because she has tO gO wOrk On the farm tO get mOneyy fOr her famiLy. When she gOes back tO schOOl she falls behind because she always misses her wOrk & gets fustrated.

The MET prOgram helps the chiLdren because they knOw that since they have tO gO wOrk On a farm that they cant keep p with their wOrk sO the MET prOgram helps them dO & learn things like they wOuld in schOOl. Even thOugh the children cant get a diplOma atleast they can get their GED & becOme sumthing Of themselves.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

child farm workerz

Let me tell you a little bit about what my day was like.... I woke up early in the morning before the sun even came up walked about 2 or 3 miles just to get to the fields where i work at where they don't even pay me enough to eat. I try my hardest to make as much money as I can but it just isn't enough.

When I get to school I'm all worn out I sometimes cant concentrate cause I don't have the energy to. My grades go down & the teachers speak to my parents but my parents cant say anything because they put me to go work & make money for the family while they doing the same thing. My teachers want me to do good in their class but i just cant cause work is wearing me out.